Medical symbolDirectory of Drugs: Prescription symbol Pramlintide Acetate - Symlin




What Is The Most Important Information About Symlin?

·         Symlin is used with insulin to lower blood sugar, especially high blood sugar that happens after meals.

·         Symlin is given at mealtimes. The use of Symlin does not replace your daily insulin but may lower the amount of insulin you need, especially before meals.

·         Even when Symlin is carefully added to your mealtime insulin therapy, your blood sugar may drop too low, especially if you have type 1 diabetes. If this low blood sugar (severe hypoglycemia) happens, it is seen within 3 hours after a Symlin injection. Severe low blood sugar makes it hard to think clearly, drive a car, use heavy machinery or do other risky activities where you could hurt yourself or others.

·         Symlin should only be used by people with type 1 and type 2 diabetes who:

  • already use their insulin as prescribed, but still need better blood sugar control.

  • will follow their doctor’s instructions.

  • will follow up with their doctor often.

  • will test their blood sugar levels before and after every meal, and at bedtime.

  • understand how to adjust Symlin and insulin.

What Is Symlin?

Symlin is an injectable medicine for adults with type 1 and type 2 diabetes to control blood sugar. Symlin slows down the movement of food through your stomach. This affects how fast sugar enters your blood after eating. Symlin is always used with insulin to help lower blood sugar during the 3 hours after meals.

Symlin has not been studied in children.

Who Should Not Use Symlin?

Do not use Symlin if you:

  • cannot tell when your blood sugar is low (hypoglycemia unawareness).

  • have a stomach problem called gastroparesis. This is when your stomach does not empty as fast as it should.
  • are allergic to Symlin or any ingredients in Symlin.

What Are The Risks?

See, “What Is The Most Important Information About Symlin?”

  • Low blood sugar (hypoglycemia): Symlin is used with insulin to lower your blood sugar, but your blood sugar may drop too low, especially if you have type 1 diabetes. When starting Symlin, reduce your doses of insulin before meals as recommended by your doctor to reduce the chance of low blood sugar.         

  • Nausea is the most common side effect with Symlin

  • Other side effects include decreased appetite, vomiting, stomach pain, tiredness, dizziness, or indigestion. Symlin also can cause reactions at the injection site including redness, minor bruising, or pain.

What Should I Tell My Healthcare Professional?

Before you start taking Symlin, tell your healthcare professional about all of your medical conditions including if you are:

  • pregnant or planning to become pregnant. It is not known if Symlin can harm your unborn baby. You and your doctor will decide how to best control your blood sugar levels during pregnancy.
  • breastfeeding. It is not known if Symlin passes into your milk and if it can harm your baby. You and your doctor will decide the best way to feed your baby if you are using Symlin.

Are There Any Interactions With Drugs Or Foods?

Keep a list of all the medicines you take. Tell your doctor about all the medicines you take including prescription and non-prescription medicines, vitamins, and herbal supplements. Symlin can slow down how other medicines pass through your stomach and may affect how much of them get into your body. Therefore, you may have to change the times you take certain medicines.

How Should I Use Symlin?

  • You must use Symlin exactly as prescribed. The amount of Symlin you use will depend on whether you have type 1 or type 2 diabetes. You and your doctor will decide if you can use Symlin.
  • Never mix Symlin and insulin. You must use different syringes for Symlin and insulin because insulin can affect Symlin when the two are mixed together.
  • Do not use Symlin if the liquid in the vial looks cloudy.
  • If you miss or forget a dose of Symlin, wait until the next meal and take your usual dose of Symlin at that meal. Do not take more than your usual dose of Symlin.
  • Once you reach your recommended dose of Symlin, talk to your doctor about changing your insulin doses to better control your blood sugar. You may have to increase your long-acting insulin to prevent high blood sugar (hyperglycemia) between meals. Insulin changes should be directed by your doctor based on blood sugar testing.
  • If you stop taking Symlin for any reason, such as surgery or illness, call your doctor.

Symlin: FDA approved 03/2005

Patient Information Sheet: Created 05/2005
Date created: July 18, 2005, updated August 24, 2005


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